What to Do When You Have Problems With Your Vision

If you work on computers all day and well into the night like I do, you probably have some issues with your eyes. I used to have 20/20 vision until a few years ago. I couldn't see the small print on my computer screen, even after I adjusted the monitor's settings. Sometimes, everything would appear blurry or out of focus. Eventually, I sought help from an eye doctor. The doctor diagnosed me with computer vision syndrome and prescribed eyeglasses to correct it. Now, I rest my eyes as much as possible when I work. I wanted to help other people with their vision problems, so I started this blog. My blog offers many tips on how to improve your eyesight, as well as what to do when your vision fails. Good luck with your vision problems and thanks for stopping in.

What To Expect When You See The Optometrist For A Checkup


If you've always seen clearly and have never had any vision problems before, you may have made it this far in life without ever having to see an eye doctor. Now, your doctor has recommended you see an optometrist, just to make sure everything's still okay. While your friends who have been seeing eye doctors all along will see this experience as normal, you might be feeling a bit intimidated and unsure about this new endeavor. Here's a look at what to expect — because when you know what to expect, the appointment will be a lot less scary.

Visual Acuity Tests

The first part of an eye exam is usually the visual acuity test, which also tends to take up the most time. This is basically a set of tests to determine how clearly you are able to see, both up-close and at a distance. These days, your eye doctor will typically have you look through a special device. You will rest your chin on a little platform, and press your nose against a little pad, aligning each of your eyes with a little hole. As you look through this hole, your eye doctor will ask you to read off rows of letters. At one point, they will cover one eye hole and have you read with just one eye. Then, they'll cover the other eye.

The results of this test will tell your doctor if you're nearsighted or farsighted, and how your vision through each eye compares.

Eye Pressure Test

Another important component of the eye exam is the eye pressure test. This one feels really strange, but it does not hurt. You'll rest your chin on another little platform, and your eye doctor will shoot a puff of air into your eye. The instrument will measure how your eye responds to the air puff, which will indicate your eye pressure. High eye pressure often indicates that you have glaucoma, a condition that leads to progressive vision loss. If diagnosed early, it is easy to manage with medication. This is one reason why it's important to have regular eye exams — to make sure glaucoma does not go undiagnosed for too long.

Slit Lamp Exam

Finally, your optometrist will do what's called a slit lamp exam. They will look at your eye through a special, lit magnifying glass that allows them to see the interior structures of your eye. This allows for the diagnosis of issues such as cataracts and ocular melanoma. The test won't hurt, although the bright light may make your eyes water a bit.

Eye exams are not painful or scary at all. Now that you know what to expect, you can walk into that office with confidence! Speak with a local optometrist to get started.


23 December 2020